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Leadership Thursday

Thursday’s choices provide an opportunity for us to do deep dives into specific areas. This year we have two topics to explore. Join us for an in- depth day of learning and discussion on either.

Following our 9 areas of School Development we will focus on the area of Faculty and the Montessori People’s Puzzle.

We are also offering a full day for Adult Educators to discover the latest on Adult Learning theory and Best Practices on our IMC STEP UP Professional Development Day.

Last but not least,
Visit a wonderful Toddler through Adolescent Montessori School in Georgia at the beautiful Harbour Oaks Montessori School.


Facilitated by: Patty Sobelman, Head of School at Pines Montessori School

Martha Carver, Head of School at Rock Prairie Montessori School and Director of the Center for Guided Montessori Studies School Leadership Program,

and Jonathan Wolff, Montessori consultant


The Montessori People Puzzle 

Current Trends in Staff Development and Instructional Leadership.

Most Montessori school leaders – among their many roles – serve as a one-person HR department. We recruit, hire, onboard, evaluate, in-service, and at times, redirect the instructional practices and behavior of our faculty and staff. Given these time-consuming responsibilities, sometimes we neglect to ask, “Is this the most effective and efficient way to do this?”



We invite you to join fellow Montessori public and private school leaders for a deep dive into current “best practice” in how to:

  • Find and Attract Teachers In Your Local Community
  • Hire People with Sound Training, Character, and Relationship Skills – Who Support Your School’s Values and Educational Standards
  • Effectively and Efficiently Onboard New Staff
  • Create a Staff Culture of Self-Improvement, Collaboration, and Mentoring
  • Foster Montessori-Aligned Professional Development
  • Identify Future Teachers and Leaders Within Your School Community
  • Cultivate Whole Program Consistency and Standards of Montessori Practice
  • Promote Teacher Self-Care and Resiliency
  • Determine Who Stays, Who Goes, and Who Requires More Support
  • Create Innovative Staffing Solutions Successful Business Organizations Use
  • Consider All Types of MACTE Teacher Education Centers and Their Options for Adult Learners

Facilitated by: Kathy Leitch, Executive Director of the International Montessori Council

Kitty Bravo, Director for The New Gate Center for Montessori Studies

and Tammy Oesting, ClassrooMechanics coFounder, Instructor, and Consultant


STEP, Supporting Transformational  Educator Preparation

Designing a Montessori educator preparation program that supports adults in being grounded, aware, and responsive involves creating an environment and curriculum that reflect Montessori principles and values, such as respect for the learner, experiential learning, and holistic development. 

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By applying Montessori theory as scientific pedagogy to adults, this program emphasizes the importance of self-directed learning, hands-on experiences, and the developmental needs of adult learners. Incorporating Adult Learning Theory further enriches this approach by addressing the unique characteristics of adult learners, such as their prior experiences, readiness to learn, and intrinsic motivation. This integrated method ensures that educators are not just passive recipients of knowledge but active participants in their own growth and the growth of their students, understanding and implementing Montessori methods effectively while fostering continuous professional development and responsive teaching practices through the principles of adult learning theory.

This structured plan is a collection of ideas and a roadmap for achieving our foundational commitment to optimal adult learning. It explores the Montessori approach from a cosmic perspective, inspiring and preparing the adult spirit for the transformative journey of personal and professional growth ahead, where each participant is a valued and integral part of the process.

Cocktail hour at our Secret location

Join us for a wonderful evening to launch a weekend of learning, reflection and community. Our secret location is an Atlanta icon and it will showcase our beautiful host city. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres provided for 2 hours of networking, laughs and drinks. Limited spots available!