Join us in beautiful Sarasota for an amazing live event.
Can’t attend in person this year?
Participate in the comfort of your home or join with your colleagues at a convenient location and qualify for a site license.

Ready to Register?
NOTE: Does not include Thursday pre-conference Intensives.
NOTE: Does not include Thursday pre-conference Intensives.
Includes participation in the Thursday Intensive session plus all conference activities.
NOTE: Does not include Thursday pre-conference Intensives.
Includes participation in the Thursday Intensive session plus all conference activities.
NOTE: Does not include Thursday pre-conference Intensives.
IMC Members:
$249 USD
Non-IMC Members:
$349 USD
IMC School
Member’s Staff:
$249 USD*
Site Licenses IMC Member Schools:
$2500 USD**
Site Licenses –
Non-IMC Schools:
$3500 USD**
CEU’s: $24 USD ***
Registration Checklist
For Individual Members:
Have you renewed your International Montessori Council (IMC)?
For the Staff of IMC School Members:
Have you renewed your school’s International Council (IMC) Membership?
As an IMC school, your staff members can register for the conference at the IMC member rate.
For schools that need to register with a purchase order, please contact [email protected]
Schools can purchase a Site License and attend the conference as a group at one site. The site license can be used for up to 50 registrants.
If you will have more than 50 participants, please contact [email protected] for pricing.
Member Schools $2,500 USD
Non-Member Schools $3,500 USD