We have an exceptional schedule of keynotes, workshops, roundtables, and networking opportunities. Start planning which sessions you want to attend.
Friday, November 6, 2020
All times are given in Eastern Standard Time (USA)
1:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Telecast Opens
1:15 pm – 2:15 pm
Kathy Minardi
Seeing with New Eyes, Awakening our Hearts, and Acting with Courage and Love
Humanity is clearly in a threshold time. The complexities of the pandemic, societal reckoning with its generations of racism and oppression, and the global climate crisis come together to challenge us as never before. And, simultaneously, there is a growing sense that we are approaching the opportunity for a new world. The title of our conference suggests this in terms of our role as Montessori educators. In the deepest way,…
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our purpose is to guide and aid life itself. We prepare ourselves and prepare the environment for each and every child, family and staff member in our community. And we look beyond our schools to the natural world and to society for our responsibilities to it and in it. In thispresentation, Kathy Minardi will ground us in reaffirming the integrity of our Montessori place, purpose and principles while sharing specific methods and mindsets for transforming ourselves and our school communities unique for meeting this time and reflecting Montessori ‘s vision of the future.
2:30 pm – 2:40 pm
Jonathan Wolff, Kathy Leitch & Andrew Kutt
Breakout Introduction
Jonathan, Kathy, and Andrew will welcome everyone to the broadcast.
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Ann Epstein, PhD
1A | Graceful Inclusion of Primary Children with Exceptionalities in Montessori Environments
One definition of grace is to “do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one’s presence” (Oxford Dictionary). We will explore current supports for children who learn and develop differently in the context of both grace and evidence-based strategies. This blend of Montessori and Special Education can provide successful growth opportunities for children across curricular and developmental areas. We will address procedures for child study teams; supports for children with challenging behaviors and mild autism; and effective collaboration approaches with families.
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Kathy Minardi
1B | Creating and Sustaining a Healthy School Culture
In order for the intangible environment we are creating for children to be as emotionally healthy as possible, we have a responsibility to also commit to creating and sustaining a healthy adult school community and culture among ourselves – both socially and emotionally.
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Whether we are online or in-person in our school settings, the children benefit from or are negatively impacted by our adult behavior between and among ourselves. A healthy school community of children and adults together can truly flourish! We also need to know that, within a safe-to-grow environment, we adults can continue to work on our own inner-development, our Montessori practice, and our ways to be a healthy community together. So how do we create it and how do we sustain it?
This workshop describes the elements of “healthy community” in greater depth from Kathy Minardi’s keynote presentation and presents some practical tools to implement for embracing this commitment.
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Christine Lowry
1C | Our Collective Stress and Trauma: Supporting from the Heart
Relationships based on safety and trust are the foundation for social-emotional well being for ourselves and our students. We’ll look at t he ways to create an emotionally safe environment of support for each child to engage and learn. We’ll explore the importance of open, honest conversations with our students and the tools we need to get there.
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We’ll learn, and practice, the many ways that we can offer co-regulation to our children as we teach them to become aware of their emotional stress and how they can self-manage. With the strategies, and techniques to provide a classroom of calm for your students, your personal transition from stress to well-being can be your guide as you support your students from the heart.
Providing children with an authentic Montessori experience in a non-traditional “prepared environment.” Join Montessori guides of your program level as they share how they present lessons, support social-emotional wellbeing, encourage independence and collaboration – via small cohorts, online instruction and creative use of the classroom.
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
1D | Secondary Guide Roundtable
How are secondary Montessori programs continuing to promote social and economic independence for their adolescent communities while learning together in partial or fully on-line programs? Join secondary Montessori guides to share experiences with real community building and valorization in virtual spaces.
4:15 pm – 4:30 pm
Circle Time
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Dr. Michael Dorer
2A | Therapeutic Storytelling
Storytelling can be a vital component of the intervention and assistance process in schools. Carefully crafted storytelling can be used in a valuable therapeutic way. Children of primary and elementary ages can engage with thought-provoking tales that assist them in coping with trauma and behavioral issues….
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Many children identify with the characters, which often leads to working through the issues. Join Michael for this workshop on crafting therapeutic stories and using them in a variety of school settings. This workshop will focus on how to create therapeutic stories when to use them, and why they can be so valuable. This workshop will greatly add to your storytelling capability and will offer new strengths for successfully dealing with a variety of issues.
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Jocelyn Swanson & Renata Faccioli
2B | Turn Learning about Nature into Learning from Nature!
Turn learning about nature into learning from nature! Ignite the senses and stimulate the soul as we journey through the Four Planes of Development and examine our learners’ relationships with nature and its role as the ultimate prepared environment for us all. Discover integral elements as well as extensions to curricula! Connect Montessori philosophy, contemporary research and how-to’s at every level for home and school, indoor/outdoor.
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Kathy Leitch &
Kitty Bravo
2C | Beyond Our Albums
Stepping out beyond the materials and lessons in our albums, this session re-examines the essence of Montessori principles and how it can be put into practice when alternative environments and delivery is required. Whether it is adaptations during a pandemic, or providing a remote learning experience during snow days, we are called upon to consider the whole child and how they learn. Join us in this exploration of pedagogical guidelines that can help us continue to serve children and families in even the most challenging times.
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
2D |Breakout: Leadership Roundtable
Learn and share strategies and resources with Montessori public and private school leaders who are “in the same boat” – working to stabilize their school communities and plan for a future filled with uncertainties and opportunities. Join us for a lively cross-pollination of innovative ideas on adaptive leadership.
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Friday Night Live
Join our masters of ceremony for a community-building experience, fun, and song.